Walking Australia: Garth and Max’s Incredible Journey for Charity

Garth with his loyal companion, Max, ready to embark on their epic adventure around Australia.

Meet Garth, a former Australian Army sergeant with a spirit of adventure and a heart dedicated to helping others. Alongside his faithful assistance dog, Max, Garth is setting out on an extraordinary mission: walking around the entire continent of Australia to raise funds for three remarkable charities.

This journey isn’t just about covering miles; it’s about personal growth, inspiring others, and making a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most.

The Dynamic Duo: Garth and Max

Max, an eight-year-old Belgian Malinois, isn’t your average canine. Trained as an assistance dog, Max has been a steadfast companion to Garth, providing support and companionship that extends far beyond the typical pet-owner relationship.

“I got him when he was 13 months old as a normal dog,” Garth recalls. “Someone I knew had to rehome him because of a breakdown in marriage. I’d never met him. I’d never heard of the breed at that stage. So I got him for a weekend as a trial. It went well and I then had him for the next two years just doing low-key obedience training.”

Their bond has empowered Garth to revisit activities he once loved but had set aside, like attending live boxing matches—a passion from his days as a part-time professional boxer.

“I used to be a part-time professional boxer,” Garth says. “I wouldn’t go to watch any of the live fights here anymore just because of my anxiety. Then one day, quite a while after Max got qualified, I went, hang on a minute, I can take Max with me. And so I started going back to boxing events to watch the locals fight and stuff. And yeah, it’s been great.”

A New Chapter Begins

Garth’s decision to walk around Australia was ignited by inspiration from another adventurer known as Captain Australia, a stage-four cancer survivor who undertook a similar journey for charity.

“I had seen before that on Facebook,” Garth explains. “It popped up about Captain Australia—a gentleman, I think he’s in his early 60s. He’s a stage-four cancer survivor. He’s walking around Australia to raise money for children’s cancer. And I thought, ‘What a great idea. Raising money for good causes.’ It’ll be great for my mental health—just Max and I out in the country.”

The Road Less Travelled

Embarking on a journey of this magnitude requires more than just physical preparation; it demands mental fortitude and a willingness to embrace the unknown.

“I’m really looking forward to not being around people for a while,” says Garth. “Obviously, I’ll have people stopping to say g’day and stuff like that, but it’s going to be really good for my mental health. It’ll be good for my physical health too with all the exercise. I’m looking forward to being out with Max in the Australian nature—all different aspects of it.”

Despite the enormity of the task, Garth remains undaunted.

“I realize that the hills are going to be very hard,” he acknowledges. “And also different points along the highways where there’s very little room to walk beside it—that’s going to be a problem. I don’t have any concerns for my own safety, even if I didn’t have Max. But with having Max there, that makes it even better.”

Supporting Worthy Causes

Garth’s journey isn’t just a personal quest; it’s a fundraising mission for three charities close to his heart:

  1. Mates4Mates: Supporting veteran well-being—a cause deeply connected to Garth’s own experiences.
  2. The Brain Foundation: Funding research into neurological disorders, a mission inspired by people close to Garth.
  3. Act for Kids: Providing life-changing trauma informed therapy, & support for Australian children & families.

Inspiring Others Along the Way

One of Garth’s hopes is that his journey will motivate others facing their own challenges.

“I’m also looking forward to hopefully motivating a few veterans or even people—non-veterans—with disabilities,” he says. “Just because you might have medical discharge from the army or just because you have disabilities doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. Like, ten years ago, I probably wouldn’t have dreamed of walking around Australia. However, I might have dreamed of running around Australia. But with my body the way it is now—and I don’t run anymore—so just changing it up and have a different goal.”

He adds, “Obviously, the motivation for anyone to do anything doesn’t have to be huge. It can just be the fact that, hey, maybe I can do something more than what I am doing.”

How You Can Support Garth and Max

Garth and Max are set to traverse thousands of kilometres, and your support can make a significant difference. Here’s how you can get involved:

Resilience, Companionship

Garth and Max’s adventure is more than an epic walk around Australia; it’s a testament to resilience, the power of companionship, and the impact one individual can have on the world.

As they set off, they carry with them not just supplies in their trailer, but the hopes and support of everyone who believes in their cause.

“Raising money for the good causes, being out in nature with Max—that’s all I could ask for,” Garth reflects. “We’re ready to take on this challenge, one step at a time.”

About CRM Strategy

CRM Strategy is proud to sponsor Garth and Max on their Journey. We’re ‘Powered by Passion’ and have been in the business of strategic business solutions and CRM for over 29 years.