ISO27001 Certification Incoming

CRM Strategy is close to completing its ISO 27001 certification. This prestigious certification is a testament to our unwavering commitment to information security and excellence.

In a world where the importance of security and risk of security-related events is increasing, the right way forward was to attain the certification and send a clear message we treat this subject with the focus and intent needed.

ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised standard for information security management systems (ISMS). By gaining this certification, we will demonstrate our dedication to implementing robust security measures and best practices to protect your data and ensure the highest level of service.

What This Means for You:

Enhanced Data Protection: Security of your data is our top priority. With ISO 27001, we implement stringent controls to safeguard your sensitive information.

Increased Trust and Confidence: Our certification will assure you that we adhere to the highest standards of security and compliance.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to regularly reviewing and improving our security practices to stay ahead of emerging threats.

The roll-on effect of this certification is a formalisation of all our processes related to data and your IP, which is all for the good. This also means changes in how we manage your projects, which we will walk your team through as we proceed. For those of you who work in a high-compliance environment, we are well aligned to support your needs, and for those that aren’t, you will experience a process-change as we follow best practices to keep you safe.

The completion of the certification will require us to follow set-procedures for all clients, so the team will reach out to discuss these revised processes to support your site. If you or your team want to understand the journey of the change, please reach out for a discussion.

Shortly, an auditor will conduct a site-visit at our premises, and we’ll announce the attainment of the certification along with releasing the trust centre on the web. This will ensure you have full access to documentation related to our certification, which will remain updated via our Vanta platform (which also performs real time monitoring of IT systems).

We look forward to serving you with the highest standards of security and excellence.

At CRM Strategy, we’ve helped customers achieve their goals for over 28 years. If you need assistance in how to approach implementing a CRM, get in touch. We’d love to talk.